Interest rates
Hong Kong dealers make Honia transition push
Standard Chartered ramps up swaps quoting for Hibor alternative; calls for industry transition group
Legal battle over Italian swaps drags on, frustrating dealers
Despite banks claiming victory in London over disputed interest rate swaps, parallel Italian proceedings could delay payouts
Corporates turn to structured notes to juice cash returns
Dual currency notes find favour with treasurers under pressure to boost yields amid higher rates
EU bond-futures basis flip spells curtains for netting
Alignment with US positions brings higher balance sheet usage, while low returns also a turn-off say traders
Counterparty Radar
Matchmaking and benchmarking for OTC derivatives
Counterparty Radar is based on position data from around 20,000 US mutual funds and ETFs, rolled up to the manager level – it shows the OTC derivatives they have on their books, and who they traded them with, providing unique insights into an important market segment. More info
BlackRock bucks trend in shrinking IRS market for Ucits
Counterparty Radar: Pimco boosts pay-fixed book by $27.5 billion in H1 2024
Foreign exchange
Trump’s tariff threats stress London gold market
Cost of funding customer positions has shot up 10,000% as deliverable supplies shift to New York
Development banks team up for FX hedging push
Banks such as EBRD and World Bank club together to improve emerging market funding tools
FX defs look to calculation agents for close-out rates
New Isda rule book also set to streamline ‘impossibility’ standard for disruption events
Corporates turn to structured notes to juice cash returns
Dual currency notes find favour with treasurers under pressure to boost yields amid higher rates
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